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Friday, April 22, 2011

BIG day Monday!!!

Monday is going to be a HUGE day. My 20 week anatomy scan is in the morning, and my echo is in the afternoon. Long day!!! The anatomy scan will give us final reassurance that everything looks good and healthy, and the echo will let us know for sure if the heart is healthy. The echo was scheduled for Tuesday morning, but they just called to switch...the dr won't be in Tuesday. Please keep us and little one in your prayers. So far so good, but it's hard not to have anxiety creep in. So glad that my mom will be here to come with me. I will update everyone as soon as I can after the appointments.


  1. I'll be praying for you and your little peanut! Please let us know how it goes!

  2. Thinking of you and praying all goes perfect!

  3. Check out my blog... I gave you an award!
