Today was actually a good day. Caleb was on my mind a lot, wishing that he was here with us. But Kailey and Kyle really made it special, and reminded me how blessed I really am. And feeling this little one moving around has helped as the days pass by. These flowers are beautiful, and Kailey was so good at keeping them a secret! :) She painted me a picture today, we went on a long walk, and put the last coat of paint on the rocking chair for the baby's room. I do wonder... would we be post glenn? What would things with Caleb be like? Would he be 7 and 1/2 months, or would we have lost him along the way? I don't know. My heart still aches for him, and I have yet to see him in a dream. Is it because I don't ask for this nightly? Because sometimes I fall asleep before saying prayers? I thought I would be visited by now, in a dream, just to see his face again, feel close once more.
It will come. He is always there watching.