Yesterday, Kailey kept asking to be a big sister... it broke my heart. She was taking a bath, and out of nowhere, started to say, "Big sister, please, please, please?" This morning, she went into Caleb's room and grabbed one of his diapers. She asked me if I was going to put it on him. WHAT do you say to that? :( I took a deep breath and sat down beside her. "I would love to, honey, but little brother is up in Heaven now." She just kind of looked at me, and then said, " Hospital Heaven?" I fought back tears, and just gave her a big hug. Explaining again, the best way I knew how, for why he is gone.
We love you baby boy. You're always on my mind. Love, Mommy.
I cannot imagine how hard it is for Kailey to understand what is going on. It is hard for an adult to truely comprehend. You are her mother and I don't think anyone could it explain it any better than you can since you know her 100%. I pray that you will continue to find the words that will inform and comfort her :)