Dear Caleb,
It's Thanksgiving today. You went to Heaven 2 months ago. Its been 57 days since I held you in my arms for the first and final time. Your Daddy and I made a turkey- our first time. Your big sister Kailey watched the parade and loved it. We should be a family of 4. This thought has been in my mind all day.
I feel empty. Broken. Sad. Cold. Yet, I am still thankful. Thankful for you. Thankful for the 39 weeks that I carried you. For all the pictures we have. All your movements, kicks, and hiccups during pregnancy. Thankful for getting to meet you. For being shown such strength and love. You taught me so many things, but above all, you changed my world forever. I no longer fear death, because I know that you will be there to greet me with that oh so perfect face.
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