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Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th 2010

I got to Cincinnati Children's in the afternoon. SO excited to see my little man! He was adorable. Perfect. in. every. way. He was on a little bit of room air, and he didn't like it! They kept him nice and warm, and had a tv on in his room playing nature sounds. I stayed the day and spent the night with him. Not much sleep for me, every whimper or noise he made and I was at his side quicker than anything. The beeping of his machines became normal to me, along with all the wires surrounding him. I wish I could have just wrapped him in my arms, and never let go. The doctors weren't doing much for Caleb at this point, he was pretty stable. He was just receiving the prostaglandins to keep his patent ductus arteriosus open. They told us that it should be just fine to wait until Monday, October 4th to do Caleb's first open heart surgery, a Modified Norwood.

The nurses caring for Caleb were great. Keeping an extremely close eye on him, they were at his side when he got fussy. He wasn't able to eat, so we gave him sugar water on his soothie. :) He liked that. It's so cute... he always had his head turned to the right. That's how he was always laying, on that right cheek. :) Always made me smile.

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